Saturday, February 21, 2009

Virgin TUTAAT Sock Knitting

Tonight my DH is off on a winter night hike and I am cozy at home with a lovely pot of tea, my favorite movie "Amelie" keeping me company and my first attempt at the Magic Cast on for toe up two at a time sock knitting! I am confident and am looking forward to a new knitting experience. May the force be with me :)!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Progress and Age

I did manage to knit for many hours yesterday and did accomplish a good bit on the first front piece of David's sweater. I really like this yarn (Kathmandu DK) I have enough of the same yarn in blue to make another sweater. Maybe next year.
I'm pooped today. I'm actually going to lie down instead of knit for the next hour. I must be getting old!

Monday, February 16, 2009

No more Mitts!

OK, I just looked at my last several posts and there will be no more Mitts. My next small project will be a tea cozy from my new book Tea Cozies. I like have small quick knit projects going on during my big projects so that I have some variety and I don't get bored.

Pretty is as pretty does.

Aren't they pretty?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Monster made!

I finished the green monster! Finished, finished, finished!

And the winner is...Me!

My decisions to have a pattern (outline on my instructions) and to save sewing up the first glove until I could match the second one to it's size was spot-on! Today I'm determined to finish the Green Monster....the Reader's Wrap I've been working on for 1 1/2 years. I want to be finished with it so that I can start other project with a clear conscience. I have about 85% completed, so if I sit still and knit all day I should be able to do it, no problem.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Boxing Gloves

I feel as though I fight with these fingerless mitts everytime I make a pair. I'm on my third pair and my copy of the pattern looks battleworn. The instructions are not clear enough for me. I need everything spelled out in exact detail and I have to make notes on my copy for every problem I encounter. And I cannot count garter stitch rows. I know that each ridge should count for 2 rows, but I envariably end up with the incorrect side facing me. What a mess I am. So far the 2 pair I have completed are really nice, but in each pair one glove is bigger than the other. So now I have an outline right on the pattern of the first glove in this third effort traced right there to match up to with each glove before I sew them up. I am not sewing the first up until the second is finished to make sure they are the same size. I will win this round for sure ;)

Knitting Zen Wisdom

Knitting has changed me. I guess I really should say that knitting exposed traits in me that I did not believe were there. I have always been a "get it done and move on" kind of person, never quibling over whether something was perfect or completely done. Careless and sloppy you might think. But I am a different person with my projects. I want them perfect and even one tiny mistake in a pattern will make me nuts enough to frog back an entire piece just to make it right. Too funny, really, in a sad kind of way. I wonder how my life would have been different if I could have been as careful and caring with everything else I've had my hands in. But as I write this, I think I understand that it is just a matter of what you love, or what's important to you as to how much of yourself you might be willing to invest. My husband's sweater is vastly more important to me than how well I mopped the floor. Makes perfect sense to me.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I am soooo happy! I'm off work the next 3 days and I am singing! I will be knitting, indulging in good wine, good knitting, good friends coming to dinner, and a sweet, loving husband, who will be home with me! Happy, happy, happy!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Not Enough Time to Knit

I am always frustrated by other things I have to go to work, or do the housework, or clean the catboxes! I never have enough time to knit. Wah!