Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The behinder I get...

I had to frog my Pomatomus because it was too small for me. Sigh......

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Frustration comes in beautiful colors!

Forgive my poor pictures, lack of skill is the only excuse! This is as far as I've gotten on the Triinu shawl. Pretty pathetic. I'm having trouble on a couple of things. First these Signature needles. The Yarn Harlot was so tickled with them, of course I had to have a pair too. They just slip right out of my hands and my stitches with the blink of an eye! Pretty frustrating for a first time lace project. I was sorry that I didn't have a set of size 3 Brittany needles for this project. I think they would not be so slippery.
Second, I'm really struggling with these nupps. The instructions in the book are very clear and easy to understand. They should be easy, but not for me yet. I will keep going, no matter how slowly.
Right now I'm going to set down with a glass of wine while my husband cooks my dinner and work on my Pomatomus sock that is coming along very nicely, thank you. I have to try to keep up with my KAL! Photos soon (hopefully good ones).

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Too sweet for words!

I had such a sweet surprise when I came home this afternoon from a very sweet dinner with my DH. My stepdaughter, Nydia, had left a gift for me. It is the "Charted Patterns for Sweaters That Talk Back" byLisa Anne Auerbach. I have been a fan of LisaAnne since I found her on Ravelry. I so admire her imagination, determination, artist's spirit and courage to put her thoughts onto wearable art. I was so tickled to recieve this wonderful gift. And, if I ever venture into color work, I told Nydia I would make one of these fab sweaters and we could share!

Then, as if my day wasn't already full to bursting with sweet things, my sweet Nellie decided to take a nap on David while he tried to take a nap. Too sweet for words!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Well, it's been awhile and frustration has been rampant in me. I have 6 (yes, 6) projects on the needles, two for KALs and my first lace project (the afore-mentioned Triini) and I just don't have the time to sit and concentrate on any of them! Aaaaarrrggggghhh!

This is for my Ravelry friend, Felixsisknits.......
http://www.jantsart.blogspot.com/2009/04/do-you-follow-blogs.html I'm guessing this is what is meant by linking to your blog entry in my blog. I feel stupid, not being more computer literate. But each new effort teaches me something I didn't know before!